In a heartbreaking turn of events, dozens lost their lives on Sunday after a stampede erupted during the final match of a local football tournament in Nzerekore, southeastern Guinea. The clash between fans of the Labe and Nzerekore teams escalated following a disputed penalty, leading to widespread violence and chaos.
Witnesses reported scenes of mayhem as security forces deployed teargas in an attempt to regain control. The situation worsened as supporters, enraged by the controversial call, began throwing stones, further igniting the conflict.
Hospital sources have confirmed that approximately 100 people are dead, with many bodies filling the local morgue and hospitals struggling to manage the influx of casualties. Tragically, several of the victims were children, and some of the injured remain in critical condition.
Prime Minister Amadou Oury Bah addressed the nation via the X platform, expressing deep sorrow over the incident and promising a thorough investigation. The match was held in honor of Guinea's military leader, Mamadi Doumbouya, adding another layer of significance to the tragic event.
Local media emphasized that the disputed penalty was the catalyst for the violence, highlighting the intense passion and rivalry between the two teams' supporters. As the community mourns, questions arise about the measures taken to ensure safety at such events in the future.
Dozens killed in stampede following clashes at a Guinea football match