Exploring Zhu Xi’s Timeless Wisdom in Modern China

'How can the stream be so clear? It's because of the fresh water of its source.' This insightful poem by Zhu Xi, a renowned philosopher from China's Southern Song Dynasty, encapsulates a profound philosophy. It reminds us that active, open-minded thinking and inclusiveness are essential to stay relevant and maintain a continuous flow of progress.

Giray Fidan, a dedicated sinologist from Türkiye, invites us to journey to Sanming City in Fujian Province, the birthplace of Zhu Xi. Nestled among clear waters and lush mountains, Sanming offers a glimpse into how Zhu Xi's classical thoughts have been seamlessly integrated into China's modern development. Through Fidan's exploration, readers can appreciate the enduring charm and relevance of classical philosophies in shaping today's China.

This exploration not only honors Zhu Xi's legacy but also highlights the dynamic interplay between tradition and innovation, illustrating how age-old wisdom continues to influence and inspire contemporary advancements.

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