The United Nations (UN) Postal Administration has launched a special set of six postage stamps and three souvenir sheets to mark International Moon Day on July 20. Celebrating the spirit of lunar exploration, the collection features iconic images from various lunar missions, including China's Chang'e-4 and Chang'e-5 projects.
Alongside the Chinese missions, the stamps highlight lunar endeavors from the United States, South Korea, and India, showcasing the global effort to explore and understand the Moon. This diverse representation underscores the collaborative nature of space exploration, bringing together nations from around the world.
Aarti Holla-Maini, director of the Vienna-based United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, emphasized the significance of these new stamps. \"The growing international interest in lunar exploration is truly inspiring. These stamps not only celebrate past achievements but also inspire future missions by raising awareness and fostering global dialogue on space endeavors,\" she said.
The stamps and souvenir sheets are now available for purchase at the UN headquarters in New York, Geneva, and Vienna, as well as through the UN website. This initiative aims to engage young global citizens, business and tech enthusiasts, and thought leaders in the ongoing conversation about space exploration and its impact on our world.
International Moon Day was established by the UN General Assembly in 2021 to commemorate the first human landing on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission on July 20. Each year, the day serves as a reminder of humanity’s achievements in space and the continuous quest to explore beyond our planet.