
China-Laos Railway Transports Over 100,000 Tonnes of Fruits in 2024

The China-Laos Railway has surpassed a significant milestone in 2024, transporting over 100,000 tonnes of fruits this year alone. This marks an impressive increase of around 120 percent year-on-year, according to local railway authorities.

On July 11, the final day of data compilation, a shipment of 108 tonnes of durians from Thailand arrived at Kunming Hongyun International Logistics Port via the China-Laos Railway. This delivery not only contributed to the yearly total but also demonstrated the railway's efficiency by reaching Kunming, the capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province, in just 29 hours from Vientiane South Station. The China Railway Kunming Bureau Group Co., Ltd. highlighted the swift transit times as a key achievement.

Streamlined customs clearance measures have been pivotal in this success. Tropical fruits, vegetables, and flowers from South and Southeast Asia are now consistently transported to China through this railway. The cross-border customs clearance time has been reduced to under five hours, ensuring faster and more reliable deliveries.

The China-Laos Railway, a flagship project under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), began operations in December 2021. Spanning 1,035 kilometers, it connects Kunming in China with Vientiane in Laos, fostering greater economic integration and enhancing trade routes in the region.

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