Tech Innovations Boost Cultural Relic Preservation on the Chinese Mainland

Cultural relics, whether uncovered from underground or underwater, face inevitable decay and deterioration once excavated. Even immovable relics exposed to the elements suffer various types of damage caused by nature and human activities.

Archaeologists worldwide are dedicating immense efforts to preserve objects that hold clues to civilizations spanning thousands or even millions of years. Today, science and technology are playing a pivotal role in uncovering more secrets behind these cultural treasures and creating better environments for their preservation.

On Friday, a forum on scientific and technological innovation in cultural relic protection was held in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, on the Chinese mainland, commemorating Cultural and Natural Heritage Day on June 8. The event featured archaeological researchers from renowned Chinese institutions who shared their latest findings on preserving cultural relics.

Highlights included innovative methods for tracing the origins of bronze materials, mapping ancient silk routes, and protecting the bricks of historic towers, earthen ruins, and palm-leaf manuscripts. These advancements not only enhance our understanding of the past but also ensure that these invaluable relics are safeguarded for future generations.

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