
China’s Shenzhou-17 Mission Samples Undergo In-Depth Scientific Analysis

Scientists at the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, have commenced detailed analysis of the 71 samples returned by the Shenzhou-17 mission. These samples include lubricants and testing equipment that were exposed to the harsh environment outside the China Space Station.

Located in Gansu Province, the institute is meticulously studying materials such as lubricants essential for the smooth operation of spacecraft components, including solar arrays and antenna systems. Understanding how these materials perform in space can significantly enhance the longevity of critical spacecraft parts.

\"Space exposure offers a unique testing ground for lubricants and their testing equipment,\" explained Wang Desheng, a researcher at the institute. \"The complexities of the space environment are impossible to fully replicate in Earth-bound labs, making these returned samples invaluable for assessing lubricant reliability.\"

The research focuses on environmental factors such as ultra-high vacuum, temperature fluctuations, and space radiation, including microgravity and atomic oxygen irradiation. These factors are crucial for studying damage patterns in lubricating materials, providing insights that could lead to advancements in spacecraft technology.

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