The South China Sea continues to be a hotspot of geopolitical tension as the Philippines recently submitted a claim to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (UN CLCS). This submission outlines the extent of the Philippines' undersea shelf in the contested waters, aiming to secure exclusive rights to exploit the region's abundant resources under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
However, the Chinese mainland has swiftly responded to this move. During a regular press briefing on Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian criticized the Philippines' unilateral submission, stating that it infringes upon China's sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the area.
\"There are territorial issues and disputes over maritime delimitation in the South China Sea between China and the Philippines,\" Lin stated. He emphasized that the Philippines' action violates international law, including UNCLOS, and undermines the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.
Lin further explained that the UN CLCS operates under specific procedural rules. According to these, the commission will not consider or validate the Philippines' submission if it involves the delimitation of disputed waters. This stance underscores China's firm position on maintaining its claims over the South China Sea regions.
The South China Sea is a critical maritime area, rich in natural resources and strategic trade routes. Multiple nations, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and others, have overlapping claims in the region, making it a focal point for international diplomacy and potential conflict.
As the Philippines seeks to leverage international frameworks to advance its territorial claims, China's rejection highlights the complexities of resolving such disputes through the UN system. The situation remains dynamic, with potential implications for regional stability and international maritime law.
China slams Philippines' submission to UN regarding South China Sea