
PLA Conducts Large-Scale Drills Around Taiwan in Response to Separatist Acts

In a bold display of military might, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has launched extensive drills around the Taiwan region, underscoring Beijing's firm stance against separatist movements. Named Joint Sword-2024A, these exercises began Thursday morning, showcasing a unified front from the PLA's army, navy, air force, and rocket force.

Spanning the Taiwan Straits and extending to areas north, south, and east of Taiwan—including strategic locations near Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu, and Dongyin islands—the drills reflect the PLA's comprehensive approach in safeguarding what it asserts as an inalienable part of China's territory.

\"These military drills are necessary and legitimate,\" stated Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, during a regular briefing. He affirmed that Taiwan's integration is a historical certainty that remains unchangeable, labeling any move toward Taiwan independence as a dead end.

Wang did not mince words in his call for the United States to halt its support for Taiwan independence factions and to cease any interference in China's internal matters. \"Any act that jeopardizes China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity will be met with a resolute response,\" he warned.

The Joint Sword-2024A exercises not only serve as a direct punishment for separatist actions but also as a stern warning to external forces, particularly the US, against provoking tensions in the Taiwan Strait. As the drills continue, they highlight the ongoing geopolitical tensions surrounding the Taiwan region.

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