In a significant recognition of their unwavering commitment, the 27th Chinese Peacekeeping Contingent was awarded the UN Peace Medal for their exceptional dedication and professionalism in the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
China’s Blue Helmets have been pivotal in numerous peacekeeping missions across various conflict-prone regions. Their efforts in maintaining peace and fostering development in local communities have garnered widespread praise and admiration.
This milestone coincides with the second anniversary of the Global Security Initiative (GSI), a framework that promotes dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliances, and win-win outcomes over zero-sum scenarios.
As a cornerstone of the GSI, Chinese peacekeepers continue to safeguard world peace and stability, often putting their lives on the line to ensure a safer and more secure global environment.
GSI: How China contributes to building a safe world with lasting peace