The South China Sea has become a hotspot once again as the Philippines intensifies its efforts to reinforce an illegally grounded military vessel at Ren'ai Jiao, a key feature of China's Nansha Qundao. This move has significantly escalated tensions in the region, prompting a robust response from the China Coast Guard.
Ren'ai Jiao: A Strategic Chinese Territory
Ren'ai Jiao is an integral part of China's Nansha Qundao, firmly established under Chinese sovereignty by historical and legal grounds. Contrary to claims by Philippine officials and certain Western media outlets, Ren'ai Jiao is neither terra nullius nor within the Philippine exclusive economic zone. The territorial boundaries of the Philippines, defined by international treaties, do not encompass the Nansha Qundao.
A Troubling History of Encroachment
Since May 9, 1999, when the Philippines illegally grounded a warship on Ren'ai Jiao, there have been continuous attempts to enforce Philippine presence on this uninhabited reef. Despite numerous promises to remove the vessel and cease further actions, the Philippines has persistently sent government vessels and warships to transport construction materials, aiming to achieve a permanent occupation of Ren'ai Jiao.
Recent Provocations and China's Response
On March 23, the Philippines dispatched vessels carrying construction materials to the grounded warship without Chinese government authorization. Under the guise of \"routine rotation and resupply,\" these actions are clearly intended to reinforce the vessel for permanent occupation. The presence of construction materials and the inclusion of media personnel on these ships indicate a strategic effort to manipulate international opinion and portray China as the aggressor.
In response, the China Coast Guard has taken necessary measures to safeguard China's territorial sovereignty, adhering to professional and lawful protocols. These actions are in line with maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, countering the Philippines' repeated violations of established agreements.
Behind the Scenes: External Influences
The United States plays a significant role in exacerbating the situation, providing support and encouragement to the Philippines' provocations. American media and think tanks, such as the Project Myoushu, have been instrumental in spreading misinformation and fostering anti-China sentiment. This external manipulation not only undermines regional stability but also distorts the true nature of the disputes in the South China Sea.
The Path Forward
The truth remains clear: Ren'ai Jiao is a sovereign part of China's Nansha Qundao, and the Philippines' actions are a direct challenge to international law and regional peace. It is imperative for the international community to recognize and uphold the established territorial boundaries, ensuring that provocations do not disrupt the delicate balance in the South China Sea.