One_Voice_Children_s_Choir_Spreads_Harmony_in_China_during_New_Year_Tour video poster

One Voice Children’s Choir Spreads Harmony in China during New Year Tour

On the eve of the Chinese New Year, the U.S.-based One Voice Children's Choir brought heartfelt melodies and soul-stirring songs to China's major cities for their second tour, which ran from December 27 to January 13. The choir not only captivated Chinese audiences but also engaged with local young people, fostering meaningful cultural connections.

In this edition of The Hub, Wang Guan interviews Masa Fukuda, Tanner DeWaal, and Michelle Boothe—the artistic and managerial minds behind the choir. They share how their interactions with Chinese youth have left a lasting impression, highlighting the power of music in bridging cultural divides.

A standout moment was the choir's performance of a Chinese song at Beijing's Temple of Heaven, which swept across China's social media platforms, garnering widespread acclaim. This performance symbolized a deep respect and appreciation for China's rich culture and history.

\"There's so many amazing things happening in China,\" Tanner DeWaal remarked, expressing his admiration for the country's advancements. He also emphasized the importance of balanced reporting, criticizing U.S. media for often focusing on sensational negative news about China.

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