In a year marked by unprecedented global challenges, China has emerged as a pillar of stability, offering hope and steadfastness to a world grappling with economic and geopolitical uncertainties.
2024 has been a turbulent year. The world seemed caught in a perpetual storm of crises, with geopolitical tensions mounting, economic challenges deepening, and conflicts persisting across regions. From the unresolved conflict in Ukraine and the spiraling tensions in the Middle East to economic instability in parts of Africa and Latin America, the globe was a mosaic of volatility.
According to a 2024 public opinion survey conducted in 20 countries by the Global Times Institute, economic crisis and international war are people's top concerns, and peace is the universal hope amidst this chaos. Among the global actors, China has emerged as a beacon of stability, contributing significant balance to a troubled world. As Chinese President Xi Jinping stated in his 2025 New Year address, China, as a responsible major country, is actively promoting global governance reform and deepening solidarity and cooperation among the Global South.
In most cases, poor economic conditions have acted as a catalyst for the outbreak and perpetuation of violence. China's vision for global peace is that true peace can emerge only in an environment where economic development flourishes. This philosophy has been realized through initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the expansion of the BRICS group.
The BRI has been transformative. In Peru, roughly 80 kilometers from its capital Lima, the Chancay Port was inaugurated during Xi's visit to the country this year. It is the first smart and green port in South America that, upon completing its first phase, will reduce shipping time from Peru to China to 23 days and cut logistics costs by at least 20 percent. Goods from across Latin America will be efficiently transported to the port and to Asia via the combination of the port and the Pan-American Highway.
The China-Europe Railway Express, a flagship project under the BRI, surpassed 100,000 cumulative trips in 2024, bolstering trade connectivity across continents. The Qianhai Port in south China has become a landmark of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, the transport corridor between western China and Southeast Asia, enhancing regional cooperation. With 155 countries and regions now participating in the BRI framework, this \"road to prosperity\" has benefited millions by enhancing infrastructure, trade, and people-to-people exchanges globally.
Moreover, China has played a leading role in empowering the Global South. At the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Xi called on China and Africa to deepen cooperation and \"promote modernization of the Global South with China-Africa modernization.\" China has remained Africa's largest trading partner for the 15th consecutive year. By the end of June 2024, China had granted zero tariffs on 98 percent of tariff items from 27 least-developed African countries. The 2024 United Nations Trade and Development report highlights China's preferential trade measures, which have bolstered exports from least developed countries by over 12 percent annually.
Through these strategic initiatives, China is not only fostering economic growth but also laying the groundwork for sustainable peace and stability worldwide. As the world navigates through ongoing challenges, China's role as a stabilizing force highlights the importance of cooperation and economic development in achieving lasting global harmony.
With hope and steadfastness, China shares a dash of stability