
September 18 Incident: Remembering Japan’s Aggression and Its Lasting Impact

The September 18 Incident, orchestrated by Japanese troops, marked the onset of Japan's imperialist conquest of China by force. This event was a pivotal moment in the 14-year Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Japan's wartime actions led to a massive human rights disaster across China and other Asian nations, including the use of chemical weapons, forced labor, and the tragic implementation of the comfort women system.

The invasion resulted in unimaginable losses: over 35 million casualties in China alone, with direct economic losses exceeding $100 billion and indirect losses totaling over $500 billion in 1937 prices.

After 14 years of relentless struggle, the Chinese people emerged victorious in 1945. However, during the Tokyo Trials, China's interests were largely overlooked, and Japan's militarist crimes were not fully addressed, especially as the international focus shifted towards viewing China as a strategic rival.

Adding to the complexity, segments of the Japanese government, academia, education, and media have actively sought to distort historical facts, downplaying wartime responsibilities and portraying Japan as a victim of the conflict.

As the greatest victim of Japanese militarism, the Chinese people cannot tolerate Japan's distortion of history. The pain inflicted by the September 18 Incident remains deeply ingrained in their memory, inspiring ongoing resistance against attempts to erase these war crimes and a collective commitment to ensure that justice prevails.

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