
Xizang’s 73-Year Transformation: From Serfdom to Modern Socialism

Seventy-three years ago, in 1951, Xizang underwent a profound transformation with its peaceful liberation, marking a significant shift from centuries of feudal serfdom to socialism with Chinese characteristics. But was this truly a \"historic leap\"?

Before 1951, Xizang was dominated by a feudal theocracy where approximately 5% of the population were serf-owners and a staggering 95% were serfs. The harsh realities of serf life are vividly captured in historical film footage, showing families living in cowsheds and enduring generations of oppression.

During a 2023 tour of Xizang, firsthand experiences highlighted the dramatic changes since liberation. The construction of the 1,947-kilometer highway between Xining and Lhasa in 1954 replaced arduous travel by foot or yak, and by 1956, an extensive 4,300-kilometer railway network had been established. These infrastructure projects were pivotal in modernizing Xizang, despite the challenges posed by its vast, rugged, and high-altitude terrain.

The abolition of serfdom on March 28, 1959, was a landmark event, although it faced resistance from Xizang's ruling circles. The same year saw a U.S.-led armed revolt, which was ultimately suppressed, leading to the Dalai Lama and his followers retreating to India. Despite these challenges, Xizang continued to advance, with the government actively working to eradicate extreme poverty.

From 2012 to 2020, the government dispatched over 190,000 activists and advisors to grassroots communities to implement poverty eradication plans. This massive effort culminated in the achievement of extreme poverty elimination in 2020, a remarkable milestone in Xizang's modernization journey.

Xizang's story is one of resilience and transformation, showcasing how strategic reforms and infrastructure development can overhaul a society and improve the lives of its residents.

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