Renowned_Physicist_Xue_Qikun_Honored_with_Buckley_Prize_for_Quantum_Breakthroughs video poster

Renowned Physicist Xue Qikun Honored with Buckley Prize for Quantum Breakthroughs

Chinese physicist Xue Qikun has been awarded the prestigious Buckley Prize for his groundbreaking research in the field of condensed matter physics, specifically his work on topological insulators and the quantum anomalous Hall effect.

Known affectionately as the \"7-11 Professor\" for his dedication and perseverance, Xue Qikun has established himself as a leading authority in his field. His innovative work is paving the way for future advancements in what he describes as \"new quality productive forces\".

\"Scientists in my field are ready to form the foundation for the future,\" Xue Qikun stated, highlighting the significant impact his research is expected to have on technology and industry.

The Buckley Prize recognizes exceptional contributions to condensed matter physics, and Xue's achievements reflect his unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge.

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