In January, the State Council Information Office of the Chinese mainland released a white paper titled \"China's Legal Framework and Measures for Counterterrorism.\" The document outlines the Chinese government's approach to regulating counterterrorism efforts, safeguarding human rights under the law, and effectively protecting both the populace and national security.
Terrorism poses a universal threat, prompting the international community to collaborate in its eradication. China's fight against terrorism and extremism aligns with United Nations principles, emphasizing the protection of fundamental human rights. Leveraging global experiences, China has tailored its counterterrorism measures to fit its unique circumstances.
Central to China's strategy is the protection of all ethnic groups' fundamental interests. By addressing entrenched issues, China has developed effective, law-based methods to shield people from terrorism and extremism, accumulating successful practices and robust measures.
Historically, various terrorist incidents in the Chinese mainland have disrupted peace and unity, violating basic human rights such as the right to life, health, and development. In response, China has implemented preventive and punitive countermeasures, maintaining deterrence against terrorist activities to maximize protection of basic rights.
Moreover, China places significant emphasis on human rights within its counterterrorism initiatives, ensuring that efforts to combat terrorism do not infringe upon the basic freedoms and interests of its diverse population. Enhancements in counterterrorism legislation, consistent enforcement of anti-terrorism activities, and lawful punishment of terrorist acts underscore China's commitment to maintaining social order without compromising individual rights.
China's counterterrorism approach is non-discriminatory, targeting terrorism irrespective of region, ethnicity, or religion. The Counterterrorism Law of the People's Republic of China clearly states that \"In counterterrorism work, citizens' freedom in religious belief and ethnic customs shall be respected, and any discrimination based on regions, ethnic groups, religions, and other grounds shall be prohibited.\"
Throughout its counterterrorism and de-extremism campaigns, the Chinese mainland ensures that individuals across all ethnic groups retain their freedom of religious belief. Citizens have the right to choose their religious affiliations without coercion or discrimination, securing the balance between national security and personal freedoms.
'Ultimate human right is happy life': China's fight against terrorism