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New Vibrant Fire-Bellied Newt Species Discovered in China’s Mt. Wuyi

Scientists from Anhui Normal University have unveiled a new species of fire-bellied newt in the biodiverse Mt. Wuyi National Park, spanning East China's Jiangxi and Fujian provinces.

Named the \"Mt. Huanggang Fire-Bellied Newt,\" this species is distinguished by its striking black patches across its body, a tan-colored dorsal side, and a bright orange underside.

Professor Huang Song of the College of Life Sciences explained that nine specimens were collected from a small waterhole on Huanggang Mountain in Yanshan County. Through thorough analysis of morphological traits and genetic sequencing of both mitochondrial and nuclear genes, the team confirmed it as a new species.

Mt. Wuyi National Park is renowned for its comprehensive forest ecosystem representative of the mid-subtropical zone, earning titles like \"kingdom of snakes,\" \"world of insects,\" and \"paradise for birds\" from biologists due to its rich biodiversity.

To date, over 7,400 species of wild plants and animals have been documented in the national park, with the Jiangxi section alone witnessing the discovery of 11 new species since its establishment.

Professor Huang remains optimistic, stating that ongoing conservation and monitoring efforts will likely lead to more new species discoveries in this ecologically vibrant region.

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