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Capturing Nature’s Masterpieces: The Unique World of Snowflakes

Snowflakes are nature's intricate marvels, each one boasting a unique pattern that reflects its journey through the clouds. Zhang Chao, a passionate observer at the National Astronomical Observatories (NAOC), has dedicated years to unraveling the secrets of these frozen wonders.

\"Every detail or pattern of a snowflake mirrors what it goes through in the cloud. When falling to the ground, the snowflake must be unique. It's just like humans—no two people can have identical experiences,\" says Zhang.

Beyond gazing at stars through his telescope, Zhang delights in using a microscope to explore the minuscule world around him, from snowflakes to sand grains. This microscopic journey unveils a mesmerizing new perspective on everyday elements.

Photographing snowflakes is a meticulous art. Zhang monitors various snow forecasts to anticipate snowfall and then prepares his self-assembled telescope and slides outdoors, battling the cold for about 20 minutes to prevent the snow from melting before capturing their delicate beauty.

Despite the challenges, Zhang has successfully photographed over 80 of the 121 distinct snowflake types since 2005. His commitment remains unwavering, driven by the endless surprises and enchanting beauty that each snowflake presents.

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