As the world grapples with escalating environmental threats, leaders at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) in Nairobi are calling for enhanced governance to secure a sustainable future.
Dalia Marquez Anez, founder and CEO of United Youth in Action, emphasized the need for reforming multilateral environmental treaties. \"A robust and functional multilateral system holds the key to tackling major threats to the environment, including chemical waste, biodiversity loss, and the climate crisis,\" Anez stated.
Campaigners highlighted that inclusive and transparent legislation, coupled with the enforcement of these laws, is crucial in addressing pollution that endangers both the environment and human health. They advocate for greater accountability and active citizen engagement to drive meaningful action against ecological challenges.
Improving governance structures and ensuring collaboration between governments, industry partners, and the public can lead to more effective solutions for safeguarding our planet. By prioritizing these measures, the global community can work towards a green, safe, and inclusive world for future generations.
Improved governance is called to tackle ecological challenges