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Foreign Experts Discuss New Investment Horizons in China’s Opening-Up

This week’s BizTalk featured an insightful panel discussing the impact of China's high-level opening-up to foreign investment. Joining the conversation were Jürg Burri, Ambassador of Switzerland to China; Guillaume Joyet, Executive Director of SwissCham in China; and Gianni Di Giovanni, Executive Vice President of Eni Group.

The panel explored how emerging sectors such as artificial intelligence, digital economy, and green technology are shaping new investment opportunities for foreign investors. The experts highlighted that China's commitment to innovation and sustainable growth is attracting global businesses looking to expand their footprint in the Chinese mainland.

Ambassador Burri emphasized the strategic importance of understanding China's evolving market dynamics, while Guillaume Joyet discussed the role of SwissCham in fostering strong business ties between Switzerland and China. Gianni Di Giovanni underscored the significance of green technology as a driving force for future investments.

As China continues to open its doors to international investors, the panelists agreed that the synergy between local initiatives and foreign expertise is key to tapping into the new economic momentum.

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