With their iconic black and white fur and charming demeanor, giant pandas have long been beloved as China's national treasure. These gentle giants have played a significant role in fostering international goodwill and strengthening ties between China and numerous countries around the world.
In a positive development for conservation efforts, giant pandas are no longer classified as 'endangered' but have been downgraded to 'vulnerable' on the global list of species at risk of extinction. This improvement comes as more than 1,864 pandas have been found in the wild, marking a hopeful trend for their continued survival.
Most wild giant pandas reside in southwestern China’s Sichuan Province, where they are highly valued by local communities. The government has established numerous nature reserves to protect their natural habitat and has even named events in honor of these beloved animals to showcase public affection. One such event is the Golden Panda Awards, an international film festival that took place on September 19 and 20 this year, celebrating cinematic achievements while highlighting the significance of giant panda conservation.
Live: Take a look at giant pandas relaxing and enjoying their food