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Experience the Great Migration 2023 Live in Masai Mara

Bordering the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the south, Masai Mara National Reserve is located in southwest Kenya. This vast scenic expanse of gently rolling African savannah plains covers an area of 1,510 square kilometers.

The Masai Mara features a stunning kaleidoscope of wild and rugged landscapes, serving as a natural habitat for seas of lions, cheetahs, elephants, African buffalos, wildebeests, and numerous other animals and plants. Among its many attractions, the wildebeest migration stands out as one of the most amazing spectacles on earth.

Every year, over a million wildebeests and zebras embark on a 1,500-mile journey from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai Mara in Kenya. This incredible migration showcases the resilience and beauty of African wildlife in a truly captivating display.

Don't miss the chance to witness this natural wonder—join CGTN live for a closer view of the migration.

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