Discover the Vibrant World of Egrets in Northern China’s Caofeidian Wetland

Nestled in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, the Caofeidian Wetland is a sanctuary teeming with life. Home to over 1,200 species of wildlife, including 238 species of wild plants from 63 families and 307 species of birds from 17 orders and 52 families, this wetland is a biodiversity hotspot in northern China.

Among the feathered residents, egrets stand out with their graceful presence and fascinating behaviors. These elegant birds breed from March to July each year, embarking on a nurturing journey that lasts about 25 days. During this incubation period, the female remains in the nest, while both parents actively share the responsibilities of incubation and feeding their young.

The Caofeidian Wetland not only serves as a critical habitat for egrets but also plays a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of the region. Efforts to preserve this natural haven ensure that future generations can witness the harmonious coexistence of diverse species in this vibrant ecosystem.

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