Ask_China__International_Student_Explores_Chinese_Cinema_Magic video poster

Ask China: International Student Explores Chinese Cinema Magic

In a captivating edition of Ask China, CGTN invites curiosity about all things China. Anna, an international student at Tsinghua University, responds to netizens' queries with heartfelt enthusiasm about her favorite Chinese film, "Comrades: Almost a Love Story."

Anna's passion for the film stems from its moving portrayal of love and the unique charm of Hong Kong. The movie not only uniquely captures the human experience but also invites viewers to appreciate the artistry behind its storytelling. Inspired by the film, Anna dreams of visiting its shooting locations to immerse herself further in the atmosphere that so deeply resonated with her.

This engaging segment of Ask China demonstrates the power of cinema to connect cultures and spark adventurous journeys. It highlights the value of cross-cultural dialogue and the role of art in bridging global perspectives, making it a must-watch for young global citizens, business and tech enthusiasts, thought leaders, and travelers alike.

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