Absolute poverty, which was the reality for many in southwest the Chinese mainland's Xizang Autonomous Region for thousands of years, has become a thing of the past. In 2018, Yeshe Trinley and Pubu Tashi moved from a poor rural village in Maizhokunggar County to a new Tibetan-style building in Lhasa as part of a poverty alleviation relocation program. Vlogger Yung Zin met them at their new home in Tongxinyuan Community. Sitting in their bright, cozy living room, Trinley says he is happy with the choice he made. After moving to his new home, community volunteers organized sewing lessons for him, as well as Tibetan incense-making and other skills, which later became his source of income. Meanwhile, Tashi's children are getting a better education, and their living conditions have improved significantly.