New Beginnings: Transforming Lives in Xizang Through Relocation Programs

Absolute poverty, a long-standing challenge in the Xizang Autonomous Region, has been significantly reduced in recent years. By the end of 2019, over 628,000 individuals in Xizang were lifted out of poverty, thanks to comprehensive poverty alleviation policies and the resilience of local communities.

Five years ago, Yeshe Trinley and Pubu Tashi were among those who benefited from a relocation program. Moving from the rural Maizhokunggar County to the vibrant city of Lhasa, they transitioned from a poor village to a new Xizang-style home in the Tongxinyuan community.

During a visit, vlogger Yung Zin met with the family at their bright and cozy living room. \"I am happy with the choice I made,\" Yeshe shares, reflecting on his relocation. The program provided Yeshe with opportunities to learn new skills such as sewing and incense-making, which have become essential sources of income for the family.

Meanwhile, Pubu Tashi’s children are enjoying better educational opportunities, paving the way for a brighter future. The relocation has not only improved their living conditions but also empowered them to contribute positively to their community.

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