Life_Changing_Surgery__Chinese_Ophthalmologist_Revives_Maldivian_Tailor_s_Vision video poster

Life-Changing Surgery: Chinese Ophthalmologist Revives Maldivian Tailor’s Vision

Aminath Waheeda, a talented tailor from the Maldives, faced the harrowing prospect of losing her sight due to severe cataracts. This dark outlook cast a shadow over her passion for stitching vibrant creations. However, in late November 2024, hope was restored when Dr. Lin Haotian from Sun Yat-sen University's Ophthalmic Center performed a groundbreaking sight-restoring surgery. The successful procedure not only gifted Ms. Waheeda renewed vision but also reignited her confidence to weave color and hope back into her work. This inspiring story highlights the profound impact of medical advancements and the dedication of healthcare professionals in transforming lives across the globe.

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