Inside China’s Secret Hospital for Vietnamese During the Vietnam War

In the midst of the tumultuous Vietnam War in 1968, China embarked on a highly secretive project that would foster a lasting bond between the two nations. The Nanxishan Hospital, established exclusively for non-Chinese patients, was a beacon of hope for Vietnamese civilians in desperate need of medical care.

Operating under a veil of secrecy, the hospital was never officially announced to the public. This discretion was crucial to protect the lives of its patients, ensuring that those seeking treatment could do so without fear of political repercussions or social stigma.

Over its eight years of operation, Nanxishan Hospital provided medical assistance to a total of 5,432 Vietnamese individuals. This remarkable effort was not just a humanitarian mission but also a testament to the enduring friendship between China and Vietnam. The legacy of Nanxishan Hospital remains a significant chapter in the shared history of both countries, a foundation that continues to support their collaborative spirit to this day.

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