In an age where craft beverages are making a significant comeback, Danique Staal and Lodewijk ten Have are at the forefront of reviving one of the world's oldest fermented drinks: mead. Staal, a passionate mead-maker, collaborates closely with ten Have, a dedicated beekeeper, to produce mead in its most traditional and purest form.
Their partnership goes beyond just business; it's a commitment to ecological sustainability. Ten Have ensures that Staal has access to the finest honey, sourced sustainably to maintain the delicate balance of our ecosystems. This synergy not only preserves ancient brewing techniques but also promotes environmental responsibility.
Together, Staal and ten Have are introducing contemporary drinkers to mead's rich history and unique flavors, making it accessible to a modern audience eager for authentic and eco-friendly beverage options.
For those looking to explore more about sustainable brewing and ancient beverages, don't miss \"Sweet Planet\", a collaborative production by CGTN and Insight TV, premiering on March 29. Dive into the sweet journey of mead and discover the stories behind the passion and sustainability driving today's craft beverage revolution.