The compelling documentary All I Have is a Voice brings together voices from across U.S. society to explore the profound effects of American war strategies both at home and abroad. Featuring a diverse range of perspectives, including a mother who lost her son in the Iraq War, the founder of a female-led antiwar organization, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, an experienced war correspondent, war veterans, survivors, and a peace activist working across contemporary media platforms, the film offers an objective portrayal of the human and societal costs of conflict.
Through heartfelt narratives and insightful analyses, All I Have is a Voice delves into the actions and events that have fueled modern-day conflicts and examines the role of the United States in both breaking and brokering peace over the past century. The documentary not only highlights personal stories of loss and resilience but also provides a critical look at the broader implications of war strategies, encouraging viewers to reflect on the path towards sustainable peace.
By weaving together personal testimonies with historical context, the film aims to foster a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding war and peace, making it a thought-provoking watch for anyone interested in the real-world impact of international policies and military actions.