In 2020, a special newborn named Hanbao made his debut as the first second-generation Yangtze finless porpoise under China's captive-breeding program. Fast forward three years, and Hanbao has blossomed into adolescence, thanks to the dedicated efforts of the staff at the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Hanbao's growth is not just a heartwarming story—it’s a beacon of hope for the conservation of this endangered species. As Hanbao thrives, researchers gain invaluable insights into the care and protection necessary to ensure the survival of the Yangtze finless porpoise. These findings are crucial for developing strategies that will safeguard these remarkable creatures in the wild.
The Institute's commitment to Hanbao’s wellbeing exemplifies the broader dedication required to nurture and protect our planet's precious marine life. To explore Hanbao’s journey and witness his development, check out the extensive collection of photos and videos curated by the Institute's team.