High up on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in Chonggyai County, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region, 78-year-old Nyima is on a mission to preserve the traditional Dro dances. Nyima hopes to gather a group of dancers to keep this local intangible cultural heritage alive. However, his former student, Badro, faces a tough decision. Working far from their home village, Badro struggles to take time off but feels a responsibility to sustain the Dro dances, a sentiment shared by many of his peers.
Through engaging dialogue and stunning 4K imagery, the 60-minute documentary \"Grandpa Nyima's Dream\" provides a fascinating glimpse into the lives of Tibetan people living on the remote plateau. The film highlights the challenges and dedication involved in preserving cultural traditions in today's fast-paced world. Don't miss the premiere on CGTN on December 7, coinciding with the Tibetan Butter Lamp Festival.