From_Rebel_Fighters_to_Rice_Fields__A_Philippine_Town_s_Peace_Revolution video poster

From Rebel Fighters to Rice Fields: A Philippine Town’s Peace Revolution

In 2010, the rural town of Kauswagan in the Philippines’ restive Mindanao region took a radical step toward peace: it convinced former combatants to swap rifles for rakes. Through the government-backed 'Arms to Farms' program, dozens of ex-fighters from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) – once known for seeking autonomy through conflict – became agricultural entrepreneurs.

Today, the sound of gunfire has been replaced by harvest celebrations. Over 180 former MILF members and displaced families now cultivate rice, corn, and vegetables across 89 hectares of land. Local officials report a 70% drop in communal violence since the program's launch, while farm incomes have tripled for many households.

'My children no longer hide during firefights – they go to school,' shares Abdul Maruhom, a former MILF commander turned rice farmer. 'Our bullets once spread fear; now our crops feed communities.'

Kauswagan’s transformation earned global recognition, including the 2016 United Cities and Local Governments Peace Prize and an Honorable Mention in the 2018 Future Policy Awards. Mayor Rommel Arnado credits the program’s success to its grassroots approach: 'We didn’t just give land – we built trust through shared labor and fair profit-sharing models.'

As climate-smart agriculture expands in the region, peacebuilders worldwide now study Kauswagan as a blueprint for turning conflict zones into flourishing food baskets.

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