Exploring_The_Rite_Society__Insights_from__Art_of_Harmony__Episode_2 video poster

Exploring The Rite Society: Insights from ‘Art of Harmony’ Episode 2

In the latest installment of CGTN's documentary series, The Art of Harmony delves into Episode 2: The Rite Society. Set against the backdrop of a nation with over a billion people, the episode examines the intricate balance between ambition and tradition. The pursuit of a higher standard of living presents significant challenges, yet it is navigated through a deep-rooted heritage of civility inspired by Confucian values.

This philosophical framework ensures that even the most ambitious individuals and organizations operate within a set of enduring principles, fostering a harmonious society. By highlighting personal stories and organizational strategies, the documentary showcases how these time-honored values continue to influence modern ambitions and societal progress.

The Art of Harmony not only provides a window into the cultural and societal dynamics of this vast country but also offers valuable insights for young global citizens, business enthusiasts, thought leaders, and travelers seeking to understand the real-world impact of Confucian philosophy on contemporary life.

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