Young Rangers Rescue Wildlife in Qilian Mountain Park

Straddling the border of Gansu and Qinghai provinces in northwest China, Qilian Mountain National Park is a sanctuary for rare wildlife, including snow leopards, Thorold's deer, and bharals. A dedicated team of four young rangers works tirelessly at the park's wildlife rehabilitation and breeding station, providing protection and medical care to the animals. Despite the challenging conditions, these young rangers find their greatest reward in saving lives.

The Qilian Mountain region, known for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse ecosystems, faces threats from habitat loss and poaching. The young rangers are on the front lines, ensuring that endangered species receive the care they need to thrive. Their commitment not only preserves the natural heritage of the area but also inspires a new generation of conservationists.

Through their efforts, the national park continues to be a safe haven for some of the world's most elusive and beautiful creatures. The dedication of these young individuals highlights the importance of youth involvement in environmental stewardship and the ongoing fight to protect our planet's precious wildlife.

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