July 1 marks the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China, celebrating its enduring role as a vibrant center for artistic expression and cultural exchange. In an insightful conversation, CGTN's Enoch Wong interviews Sean Lee, a young Hong Kong local who has navigated both Western and Chinese academic landscapes. Lee, who studied art history at Columbia University in the U.S. and is now a graduate student in public policy at Tsinghua University in Beijing, shares his perspectives on Hong Kong's unique position as the \"East-meets-West center for international cultural exchange.\"
Lee emphasizes the indispensable role of art in great civilizations, arguing that it fosters creativity, dialogue, and understanding across cultures. He highlights the importance of the \"One Country, Two Systems\" framework in safeguarding freedom of expression in Hong Kong, allowing artists to explore and express diverse viewpoints without undue restrictions.
Despite the challenges over the past decades, Hong Kong's artistic scene remains unyielding and dynamic. Lee believes that maintaining this freedom is crucial not only for the local community but also for fostering global cultural connections. As Hong Kong continues to navigate its strategic positioning, the resilience of its artistic freedom stands as a testament to its enduring spirit and significance in the international cultural landscape.
HK's artistic freedom: 27 years on, still vibrant and unyielding