Celebrating China’s Rich Tapestry: Cultural and Natural Heritage Day Highlights Preservation Efforts

Every second Saturday of June, the Chinese mainland celebrates Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, a dedicated occasion to honor and preserve the nation's vast array of cultural treasures and natural wonders. This year's theme, \"Protecting cultural heritage, passing on civilization,\" underscores the ongoing efforts to safeguard these invaluable assets for future generations.

Established in 2006, Cultural Heritage Day has grown into a significant national event, expanding in 2017 to include natural heritage. The expansion reflects a holistic approach to heritage preservation, recognizing the interconnectedness of cultural and natural landscapes in shaping a nation's identity.

The Chinese mainland boasts an impressive portfolio of heritage sites, with 57 locations inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, ranking second globally. Additionally, the mainland leads the world with 43 entries on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List, highlighting its rich traditions, crafts, and practices that continue to thrive in today's modern society.

From the ancient temples of Xi'an to the breathtaking landscapes of Zhangjiajie, the blend of natural beauty and cultural significance showcases the unique heritage of the Chinese mainland. As we celebrate this day, it's a reminder of the importance of protecting these sites and traditions, ensuring their legacy endures.

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