In the outskirts of Beijing, at Guangming Mountain Senior Nursing Home, a crucial process is underway to ensure the well-being of China’s elderly population. Mrs. Han, 81, is being thoughtfully assessed by Ma Shuang, a 24-year-old elderly ability evaluator, and nurse Li Dongmei. Their evaluation includes questions like \"Can you dress yourself?\" and \"Are you able to go to the bathroom on your own?\"—key indicators of daily living activities.
These evaluations occur four times a year and are part of a comprehensive effort to monitor and support the functional abilities of the nursing home residents. Ma, who studied Senior Citizen Services and Management, plays a vital role in this process. Each 30-minute assessment combines interviews, physical tests, and medical report analyses to evaluate daily living, mental state, sensory and communication functions, and social participation. The goal is to create tailored care plans that respect each individual’s dignity and autonomy.
China is facing a rapidly aging society, with nearly 297 million people aged 60 and above in 2023, accounting for 21.1% of the population. The number of individuals aged 65 and above reached 216.76 million, making up 15.4% of the total population. This demographic shift has spurred the government to develop a more efficient elderly care system.
Recognized officially in 2020, the role of elderly ability evaluator is a testament to China’s commitment to improving elderly care. Cities like Beijing, Shijiazhuang, and Shanghai have implemented standardized evaluation processes, while Liaoning Province has established three provincial-level demonstration training bases, completing over 80,000 evaluations to date.
Ma reflects on her work, saying, \"I'm not just helping to assess their abilities; I'm giving them a voice. These assessments help the elderly understand their needs and improve their daily lives.\" Her role exemplifies the blend of compassion and professionalism essential in addressing the challenges of an aging population.
With the elderly demographic set to grow further, professionals like Ma are crucial in ensuring that senior citizens live their later years with the care and respect they deserve. Educational institutions are responding to the demand by offering programs in elderly care, healthcare management, and gerontology, training the next generation of caregivers and evaluators.
China's elderly ability evaluators ensure quality of life in old age