On Friday, Xi Jinping, the Chinese premier, delivered a significant address marking the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland. The event also featured the inaugural ceremony of the sixth-term government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR).
During his speech, Xi highlighted the remarkable growth and development Macao has experienced over the past quarter-century. He emphasized the region's strategic role in fostering economic prosperity and cultural exchange within the greater framework of China's national objectives.
The inaugural ceremony of the sixth-term government underscores Macao SAR's continued commitment to maintaining stability and enhancing the quality of governance. Xi Jinping's address reinforced the importance of collaboration between the central government and the SAR to achieve mutual goals and further integrate Macao into the broader economic and social landscape of China.
This dual celebration serves as a reminder of Macao's unique position and its ongoing contributions to China's success on the global stage.
Xi's full speech on Macao's return anniversary, new SAR govt unveiling