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Wuxi’s High-Tech Textile Revolution Transforms China’s Fashion Scene

In the latest episode of MEET CHINA, reporter Zhuzhu takes us to Wuxi, where a textile revolution is quietly reshaping the fashion industry. By integrating AI and robotics, local factories are producing the world's finest cotton yarn with unmatched precision. Advanced technologies like 3D scanning and 5G connectivity have enabled the creation of custom suits in just seven days, slashing production time from the traditional 20 days.

But the innovation doesn't stop at textiles. Beijing boasts over 2,300 plant species, making its biodiversity richer than that of the entire UK. Yu Tianyi, a renowned scientific botanical illustrator, merges scientific accuracy with environmental artistry to highlight the importance of preserving these natural landscapes. His work not only educates but also inspires efforts towards conservation and the introduction of native species.

Meanwhile, Shanghai's transformation over the decades is beautifully captured through the lens of director Wong Kar-wai. In his acclaimed TV series Blossoms Shanghai, Wong masterfully uses light and shadow to showcase the city's evolution from the early 1990s. Iconic landmarks like Huanghe Road and the Fairmont Peace Hotel become symbols of Shanghai’s dynamic growth, inviting viewers to witness the city’s rise and the breathtaking changes along the Bund and Pudong.

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