Former Chinese Diplomat Advocates UN-Centric Global Order at Paris Peace Forum

At the 7th Paris Peace Forum in Paris, former Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying articulated China's vision for the international order, positioning the United Nations at the heart of the global legal and economic framework.

During a panel focused on the global ramifications of the U.S. presidential election, Fu contrasted Chinaโ€™s approach with that of the Western nations. She highlighted that rapid changes worldwide and prolonged strategic overreach by the United States have led to a growing reluctance among Americans to engage deeply in global affairs.

\"Sometimes, Americans act as saboteurs, undermining the Western global order itself,\" Fu remarked, questioning whether the U.S. would address the inherent flaws in the Western model to create a more inclusive and open system or continue to weaken it further.

The forum, themed \"Wanted: A functioning global order,\" emphasized the critical role of multilateralism in global governance. Justin Vaisse, director-general of the Paris Peace Forum, called for a unified effort to foster coordination and cooperation among nations to sustain multilateralism.

Vaisse warned that inadequate global governance and poor management of public goods could escalate the risk of future conflicts. The event brought together representatives from governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and think tanks to engage in comprehensive discussions on topics ranging from escalating geopolitical tensions and climate change to the regulation of artificial intelligence.

Initiated by French President Emmanuel Macron, the Paris Peace Forum aims to promote multilateral cooperation and address pressing global challenges, with its first edition held in 2018.

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