Explore the Chinese mainland’s Evolution: CGTN Launches AR+AI Virtual Home Experience for PRC’s 75th Anniversary

If you're an avid traveler, there's a good chance you've visited the Chinese mainland. But have you ever stepped inside a modern Chinese home? Now, you can experience it like never before.

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), CGTN introduces The Gateway of Time, an immersive and interactive AR+AI journey. This virtual experience allows you to explore three distinct chapters of the PRC's history by stepping into conceptual homes from different eras.

Begin your journey in the early years of the PRC, witnessing the humble beginnings and living conditions of that time. Progress to the transformative years following the reform and opening up, where China witnessed significant economic and social changes. Finally, enter the modern era, experiencing the contemporary lifestyle shaped by technological advancements and globalization.

Through The Gateway of Time, users can engage with detailed environments that reflect the unique characteristics of each period. This innovative approach not only provides a window into the past but also showcases the remarkable progress and resilience of the Chinese mainland over the past 75 years.

Whether you're a tech enthusiast eager to explore AR+AI applications, a cultural aficionado interested in China's rich history, or simply curious about different ways of life, CGTN's latest offering is a must-try experience. Dive into the past, understand the present, and imagine the future with The Gateway of Time.

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