China Completes Largest National Crop Germplasm Survey to Boost Food Security

China has successfully completed the Third National Survey of Crop Germplasm Resources, a comprehensive study conducted from 2021 to 2023. Spearheaded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, this survey marks the largest and most extensive effort of its kind in the country.

For the first time, the survey included aquaculture, expanding its scope to cover 2,323 agricultural counties and over 920,000 aquaculture households. Over the three-year period, more than 530,000 pieces of agricultural germplasm resources were collected, providing an invaluable repository of genetic materials.

Sun Haoqin, an inspector of the Seed Management Bureau at the Ministry, highlighted the survey's significance: \"We have achieved a thorough understanding of the types, quantities, distribution, and characteristics of various agricultural resources, laying a solid foundation for ensuring national food security and breeding innovation.\"

This extensive survey not only strengthens China's ability to secure a stable supply of grains and important agricultural products but also fosters innovation in crop breeding. By cataloging and preserving a vast array of genetic resources, China is better equipped to address future challenges in agriculture, from climate change to evolving market demands.

The inclusion of aquaculture in the survey underscores the nation's commitment to comprehensive agricultural development, recognizing the critical role of aquatic resources in food security and economic growth. This holistic approach ensures that both terrestrial and aquatic agricultural sectors are resilient and sustainable.

As the global population continues to grow, the importance of such surveys cannot be overstated. China’s proactive measures in cataloging and preserving germplasm resources set a precedent for other nations, emphasizing the need for strategic resource management to secure the future of global food systems.

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