Liu_Wanming__Creating_Grand_Paintings_with_Minute_Brushstrokes video poster

Liu Wanming: Creating Grand Paintings with Minute Brushstrokes

The art world is captivated by Liu Wanming's unique approach to painting, where the grand scale of his artworks is achieved through the meticulous use of minute brushstrokes. One of his most striking pieces stands over three meters high, yet it's created with a brush tip less than two centimeters long. This remarkable technique allows Liu to infuse his large canvases with intricate details, ensuring that each small stroke contributes to a cohesive and expansive image.

Liu explains, \"Using small strokes to build up the painting enables me to develop an overall image by focusing on the minutiae.\" This method not only enhances the depth and complexity of his work but also offers viewers a chance to explore the layers of his creations, appreciating both the fine details and the grand composition.

By balancing the delicate with the grandiose, Liu Wanming achieves an in-depth depiction of objects, capturing a sense of the whole while paying attention to each element within the frame. His work is a testament to the power of detail in conveying unity and scale in art.

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